Our Privacy Policy

We currently collect records that may include your general contact details, some medical information (allergies and food preferences etc) and general correspondence relevant to the provision of our services and your booking.  In providing us with that information, you imply that you consent to our collecting this personal data and using it for that specific reason only. We may be required to keep these records to comply with insurance or financial reasons for specified legal periods of time, however otherwise we comply with the requirements of GDPR. 

We may use third party secure systems to collect and hold your data for our mailing list or for online transactions. If you choose to opt in to receive communications, we will contact you via email or your preferred contact details, however you are free to unsubscribe at any point.

We may personally email, call, message, text (or send a carrier pigeon or any number of new and yet to be devised contact methods) our customers in regard to session information, particularly for any last-minute changes. 

We do not and will not ever share your information with anyone else, unless you specifically request us to, or in the case of relevant safeguarding concerns.

We will ask you if you give permission for us to use your image for online and media publications.  You are free to decline and we will respect your privacy.  Please also ensure if you take photos at our sessions that you also ensure others are happy to be photographed and that individual wishes are acknowledged with kindness.

Our website uses some necessary cookies because they allow visitors to navigate and use key features on the site. It and our social media platforms may also use some Analytics and Performance cookies to collect information about how visitors interact with the site.

If you have any queries on our Privacy Policy, please contact us at kirsty@thenaturenurture.com